An article in today's Cape Cod Times mentioned the apparent death of one blog and the birth of another by Sandwich Selectman Randy Hunt. The article quotes Hunt as saying about me, "He's gotten into some hot water and since I love hot water, I thought I'd jump in."
Hot water, eh?
There's a lot of focus on blogs these days, locally with the recall of Barnstable Councilor Janet Joakim and nationally with the emergence of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as the vice-presidential choice of John McCain.
Newspapers and television are predominantly one-way avenues that do not allow public feedback. Even when there is feedback (via letters or interviews), layers of reporters and editors insulate the public from the original source. Blogs and online message boards have few, if any such filters, so raw emotion is rarely censored. This is usually where controversies begin.
Given the controversy, why blog?
I can't speak for others, but I've previously noted that this blog allows me to set the record straight; just as the press can cover me, I can cover the press.
Sometimes the press gets it right. For example, if you want a good overview of the discussion we (the selectmen) had about investigating the high school renovation project, the Falmouth Bulletin got the facts spot-on.
On the other hand, former-selectman-turned-columnnist Troy Clarkson seemed to be offering his own interpretation of one of my posts, suggesting that there was "a complaining whimper" about my schedule. In fact, it was just one paragraph of explanation, intended to keep my constituents informed as I always have. Read the original post and decide for yourself.
Therein is the core reason for this blog - as an avenue for me to explain myself and my votes to my constituents. Some folks have a problem with that, especially when I use names. However, my criticisms, when I share them, are typically mild - no venom here - and I do give credit where credit is due.
As for the hot water, some folks might try to draw parallels between me and that old saw about boiling a frog, but like Mr. Hunt, the heat doesn't bother me. As Harry Truman said, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
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