Credit needs to be given where credit is due. So, beginning with this post, I'm going to give praise on a regular basis to those deserving of it. Since I've some catch-up to do, this week's list may be a little long.
This week, kudos go to:
Mike Netto for volunteering. I've often heard the lament that we need more younger people (i.e., not retired or close to retirement) involved in town government. As a town meeting representative, and with his application to be a part of the Waterways Committee, Mike is one person who has actually stepped up to the plate.
Ken Swartz for displaying integrity. Ken put the greater good ahead of himself and withdrew his application for reappointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Because the term limit is 9 years, there were potentially negative implications to the town were he to serve another term (which would have totaled 11 years). I really hope he volunteers again in the future.
The MIT Club for giving their time and energy. This private organization took the time to develop software and package their "Share A Ride" carpooling concept to help local residents save some gas - and money. Sometimes government is not the answer.
Town Manager Bob Writenhour for making me look good. When some issues were raised during a dock hearing a few weeks back, Bob followed through and got answers from various commissions and town departments. After being excoriated by a dock applicant for asking tough questions about some sticky issues, it was good to have all the answers.
Chairman Ahmed Mustafa and Selectman Mary Pat Flynn for being open. When a constituent asked to address the selectmen this past Monday, these two voted with me to take the public comment.
Selectman Kevin Murphy for being open and accountable. In response to my request to interview every candidate who was up for reappointment, Kevin found some common ground and agreed to interview the appointees of those committees/commissions with significant authority.
Selectman Carey Murphy for maintaining the integrity of the interview process. Faced with public testimony that was probably inappropriate for the interview of a commission appointee, Carey raised his voice not once, but twice.
Every person who stood before the selectmen, volunteering to be appointed to a committee/board/commission. Having stood behind the podium a few times myself, I know that it can be a nerve racking situation. Anyone who gives their time and energy with no expectation of compensation - after suffering a public interview - is truly selfless.
Every person who served on a commission/board/committee and does no longer. Regardless of why they no longer serve, the fact that they did is admirable. If you believe - as I do - that apathy is the worst enemy of democracy, then these folks are true patriots.
Patrick Callahan and John Scanlan for volunteering. After watching these two in action during a meeting a few weeks back, I'm so very glad that they stepped up to help with the high school renovation project.
Joan Muller, Chief Anthony Riello and Don Hoffer for taking initiative. I've been making an effort to get around and meet folks in every department, committee, board and commission, but these three took the initiative to contact me.
The Beach Committee and Beach Department for, as Assistant Beach Superintendent Bruce Mogardo said, "Running a one year business in four months." Most notable is the fact that members of the Beach Committee periodically visit our beaches as "secret shoppers" to check on the status of the properties and the performance of parking attendants and lifeguards.
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