As you all know, there was no selectmen's meeting this past Monday. Some folks on the agenda couldn't make it, and the balance of the stuff could wait a week. However, that didn't stop me from working.
The Board of Health meets every Monday night at the same time as the selectmen, so I took advantage of the occasion to sit in on one of their meetings.
Monday's agenda included - among other things - the approval of an "experimental" (non-traditional) septic system, and a variance to allow an addition to be built within the required setback (so the applicant doesn't have to move the existing septic system).
It would have been a relatively short, uneventful meeting were it not for a request by the Sipp-O-wissett Homeowners Association. Long story short, someone is apparently trying to build a house on what has for decades been considered an unbuildable lot. The Association believes the property owner may have received a permit from the Board of Health without being completely up front about the conditions at the site. As the representative for the Association noted (and I paraphrase here), "There's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You can tell the truth and nothing but the truth, but still leave out the whole truth."
It was good to finally get to one of their meetings and see them in action. Kudos to our Board of Health.
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