"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Monday, July 21, 2008

DPW kudos

Having served on the conservation commission, I know from experience that public service is a thankless job.

Which is why I started handing out kudos.

At a recent Beach Committee meeting, I heard a lot of praise for the work of the DPW. There was so much that I've dedicated this post to the DPW.

Most notable?

* There has been vandalism of the trash bins at our beaches from time to time; they've taken a swim in Bristol Creek, hit by boat trailers at Megansett, and been pushed off the wall at the Heights. In each case, the DPW has managed to fix any damage and keep the bins in service.

* A 200-300 pound waterlogged log washed up on one of our beaches. The DPW was notified and the log was cut up and gone before the beach was opened.

* When the trailer at Menauhant Beach arrived, the ramp was not ADA-compliant. The DPW stepped up and corrected the deficiencies so the trailer was ready for the 4th of July weekend.

And so kudos to the DPW for its support of the Beach Department.

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