"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Haste makes waste

"Sometimes I think government was instituted to provide cover for incompetence at every level." - Don Hayward

Don is a friend of mine from Bourne. He's been watching our high school situation for a while. In Bourne, the voters rejected an override for a new school because they thought it too costly. They went back to the drawing board to come up with something less expensive.

Here, we approved an additional $19 million for our over-budget and behind-schedule high school renovation, and got this...

Work At FHS Will Extend Beyond Deadline

Review: School contractor owes Falmouth $2 million

State freezes Falmouth school funds

Falmouth High work at new low

State seeks to decertify Falmouth school builder

State Withholds High School Funding

High School Contractor May Be Removed From State Certified List

I'm not suggesting that we got these problems because we approved the $19 million, but a rejection of the override would've forced the town to go back to the drawing board.

1 comment:

sam said...


is there any chance of putting the override back to vote since the $ has not been allocated?
