"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Sunday, February 28, 2010

CWM-PRC Applicants...What do you think?

Tomorrow (March 1), the Board will be conducting the first round of interviews for the Comprehensive Wastewater Management - Plan Review Committee. Here are the individuals on the agenda:

Peter Boyer
Virginia Valiela
Matt Patrick
Priscilla Moor
George Heufelder
Stephen Rafferty

Current estimates are that this project - resolving the nitrogen problem - could cost as much as (if not more than) half a billion dollars. Even at the low end of the estimates, it could total more than twice the cost of the high school renovation. It will be the most expensive public works project Falmouth has seen.

With that in mind, do you think any or all of these individuals will serve the taxpayers well?


Anonymous said...

Whoever can think outside the box and lower the costs of project. No voter will vote for that in todays economy. I think the board has their work cutout for them. ALTERNATIVES!!!

Anonymous said...

These folks are surely well-intentioned. The high school building committee members were well-intentioned too. Insanity can be defined as making the same mistake twice and expecting a different result the second time.

The well meaning lay-people serving on this committee will certainly receive an education. An education is what you get when you don't get what you wanted.

Why tackle this issue as if it is the first time in recorded history? ....spending time reinventing wheels....

Can't we try using (an) expert(s) this time? Some one/some firm that has "been there - done that".

Anonymous said...

There is no way this project goes under budget. This is Falmouth!!!

Anonymous said...

The following think that they get paid by the word,
Peter Boyer
Virginia Valiela
Matt Patrick.

I would hate to be on a committee with any of them. They try to wear you down until you agree with them.
I don't know the others.
Lord help us.
The Galloping Gadfly

Anonymous said...

I give Peter Boyer, Virginia Valiela and George Heufelder two thumbs up each. They believe in the town and are extremely dedicated. They are all very smart too.

Who are the next 7 people that are due up next week? I didn't see them listed in the Enterprise. I want to leave some spots open for the next batch.