This particular post has been edited; it should've been given more explanation when originally posted.
There is a lot that happens behind the scenes in government. Before you get the wrong idea, I'm not saying that behind the scene stuff is purposely hidden, or that open meeting laws are being disobeyed. What follows is an example of this - a memo that I sent to the Board. It is simply a request. There is no discussion amongst the board members, so it is not something that falls under the open meeting laws.
There are limits to what can and cannot be shared, and what is and is not worthy of sharing. The minutes of executive sessions won't be posted. Nor should you expect to see emails from other selectmen notifying the rest of the Board that they will be away on such-and-such a day.
However, the public doesn't always see everything that I'm trying to accomplish as a selectman.
That is something I need to work on.
Madam Chair;
The Board has some unfinished policies which need to be discussed and voted.
1) The Memorial Naming Policy, drafted almost a year ago in response to a request from a constituent, remains in draft form.
2) The On-Line Posting Policy, drafted last year at the request of a constituent, also remains in draft form. As per our last discussion, it was to be presented to several committees - the Conservation Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Historic Districts Commission - for preliminary review and comment. However, my understanding is that this has yet to be done.
In conjunction with this policy, the Board was to receive an opinion from town counsel regarding the extent of the Board's policy making authority. Specifically...Does this authority extend to all town boards and departments, or is it limited to only those direct and indirect appointees (committees and employees) of the Board?
We have not yet received that decision.
3) Finally, last Fall the Board was presented a revised Whistleblower policy; discussion was shelved pending an opinion from town counsel regarding any potential overlap between the policy and state and federal laws.
Again, we do not yet have that opinion.
Please consider this request to get these items back on our agenda as soon as possible.
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