"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Brent's Town Meeting votes - Tuesday & Summary

This post wraps up my town meeting votes. So that you have a handy reference, here are the prior links to my votes:

Many of the articles were covered under a blanket vote; you'll find these and articles 1-17 here.

Article 18 came in two parts. Here, and here.

Special Articles 1-17

Special Article 9 - Waquoit Congregational Church

Special Article 16 - Penalties for consuming marijuana in public

Article 20 appropriated $530,534 in CPA funds for continued historic restoration of the School Administration Building. My notes don't say anything about who held this or why, but I voted "aye"; it passed.

Article 30 amended the home rule charter to allow Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) members to serve a maximum of two, 5-year terms. When the ZBA was changed from a three member board to a five member board, the terms changed from three to five years. This didn't fit neatly into the three, 3-year term limit (nine years total) for appointees - a member of the ZBA could only serve one 5-year term. Hence the change.

Precinct 6 representative Dan Shearer proposed an amendment to allow retiring incumbents to be reappointed if there were no other applicants for a position. This generated a lot of discussion - mostly opposition. Several folks suggested that it be suggested to the Charter Review Committee first, and I noted that Selectman Mary Pat Flynn and I were reviewing the selectmen's oversight of appointees and that this will be part of that discussion. I voted "no" on the amendment; it failed.

I voted "aye" on the article; it passed.

Article 31 amended Chapter 654 of the Acts of 1975 which created the Historic Districts Commission (HDC). In the past, the only recourse the HDC had if a property owner violated the bylaws was to take that person to court. This change allows the HDC to require that a bond be posted to ensure that the project is completed as permitted, and makes the building commissioner the enforcement agent.

I voted "aye"; it passed.

Article 32 was already discussed.

Article 34 was a petitioner's article (by Precinct 8 representative Margo Finnell) to add a table to the warrant showing all current overrides, debt exclusions and capital exclusions. The recommendation was indefinite postponement. Assessor David Bailey had previously briefed the selectmen that he could do this, but there is more information than can be printed on one page. Margo held the article so that Mr. Bailey could share the progress thus far, which includes an online tax tool.

Although Margo put a positive motion on the floor, this proposal is still brewing and a final product is expected at the fall town meeting. The recommendation was to vote "no"; I did so with the rest of town meeting and it failed as expected.

Article 35 was the housekeeping article. This time around, I just voted "aye"; it passed.

So, how did your other selectmen and town meeting representatives vote?

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