"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Thursday, February 21, 2008

You heard it here first

I got a call from Laura Reckford at "The Paper" the other day. I use, "The Paper," because those were the words she used. Some of you may recognize that Laura writes/edits for the Falmouth Enterprise. I thought her choice of words a little amusing, given that there are three papers (that I know of) that serve Falmouth.

But I digress...and I've not even started yet.

So Laura calls and pops the question: Are you running for selectman again?

Yes, I am.

She proceeded to ask me a few questions...you may see them in the Friday Enterprise. If not, I'll touch on them later in the Comments section.

That said; it is worth noting that last year I campaigned on a platform of honest, open, accountable government. Now our town government is telling us that we - the taxpayers - must fork over $19 million to finish the high school renovation project, but no one wants to take any responsibility for the fiasco.

Yep...we can do better.

1 comment:

Brent Putnam said...

This is what the Enterprise printed (page 1 and 3) on Friday, 2/22...

"So far, the only challenger to announce an intention to run is Brent V.W. Putnam of John Parker Road, East Falmouth.
Mr. Putnam said he has not yet begun his door-to-door campaign to find out the thoughts of residents in town, but he said he believes a big issue this year is the town budget and particularly the high school renovation.
Mr. Putnam graduated from Falmouth High School but sends his two high school-age children to the Sturgis Charter School in Barnstable. He also has a child at Teaticket Elementary School. Mr. Putnam said the high school was a “disaster” when he attended it, and the renovation being overbudget and behind schedule is “disappointing to say the least.”"