"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Miss the interview?

The interview aired at 5:30pm on Monday, February 18.

Here's the excerpt with my part...

Crowley: "...Brent Putnam is President of the East Falmouth Village Association. He has a local blog and says Woods Hole needs to stop stalling and find a place for affordable housing, and soon."

Putnam: "Coming from East Falmouth, I can tell you there are people who believe Woods Hole is getting what it's due to it at this point. But the reality is that Woods Hole has an opportunity here that if they don't want affordable housing built in Webster Woods, they need to come up with an alternative that is within Woods Hole. Otherwise, they're going to look and sound like NIMBYs."

You can read the full transcript, or hear the report again, here.

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