"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Doing Things the Right Way

Years ago the state repaved and widened Route 28 in Mashpee, from the Falmouth town line to the rotary. Shortly thereafter, Mashpee proceeded to rip up the new pavement to do work on water mains.

Unlike Mashpee, Falmouth has it's act together. Our DPW has done a fine job of getting water mains and hydrants replaced before the state comes in and repaves Route 28 from Sandwich Road to the Mashpee town line. There have been traffic disruptions along Route 28, but the work was not started until after the busy summer season. Moreover, the DPW is working hard to get the job done, laboring after hours and into the night on occasion.

This effort is due in no small part to the work of Raymond Jack, Falmouth's former Utilities Manager (head of the Water Department) - now our Director of Public Works. You may recall that a few months ago Mr. Jack was the subject of some controversy when the Board of Selectmen decided that, after more than a decade of exemplary service to the town, Mr. Jack suddenly required an unprecidented one-year probationary period in his new role.

With the Route 28 water main work, Mr. Jack is proving to be as capable as he has always been. Kudos to him and his employees for doing things the right way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in regards to my earlier issues about driving, why doesn't the police do anything? the drivers speed and do not stop at crosswalks and the police just sit there and watch. thank you. my email address is a519my@aol.com if you wish to respond.