"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I have a Facebook page.

When our eldest children insisted on getting their Facebook pages, my wife and I made a deal - they would be our friends. This way we could keep an eye on their online activity.

It provded to be a good deal. From time to time they've had to remove things. Usually it was a picture or post from one of their friends - something which fell into our "inappropriate" category.

That is one problem with Facebook; anyone of your "friends" can post anything and anyone of your other "friends" can see it.

Another is the definition of "friend". Since becoming selectman, more than a few folks have requested to be my friend. Some I hardly know. While I appreciate the thought, I like to cultivate my friendships the old fashioned way - in person.

A Facebook phenom now (and an aspiring politician*), my son offered a solution - Facebook's "Fan Page."

So, I have a fan page now on Facebook; look for "Falmouth Selectman Brent Putnam".

*If you are so inclined, feel free to become a Facebook fan of my son, Andrew Putnam. He's running for Falmouth Town Meeting in Precinct 9.

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