"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Committee reports

Madam Chair, members of the Board;

Please note the email attached below.

Every year, the Board has required from its appointed committees an oral report. However, according to this email, "This year you will only need to submit a written report of your committee’s activities and attendance..."

The Board has never had any discussion or any vote to change this practice. Moreover, because these committees are appointees of the Board, no town employee has the authority to change this practice.

Who issued this directive, and on what authority?


================ begin email ================

From: "Diane Davidson"
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 13:31:31 -0500
To: Edward Schmuhl; Sheryl Kozens; Don Hoffer; Edward Gross; Kevin Lynch; Ernest Mayberry; John Magnani; Carey Murphy; Megan Amsler; Carey Murphy; Sheryl Kozens; Karen Cardeira; Leslie Morrissey; Edmund Nolan; Helen Kennedy; Ruth Brazier; Kate McHugh; Nancy Quigg; Jay Hill; Michael Kinney; Gregg Fraser
Subject: Committee Reports to Board of Selectmen

To: Committee Chairs and Administrators

Attached is the list of committee reports to be submitted to the Board of Selectmen for 2010. This year you will only need to submit a written report of your committee’s activities and attendance to the Board of Selectmen, due on March 31, 2010.

Thank you,

Diane Davidson
Administrative Assistant
Town Manager and Selectmen's Office
Town of Falmouth
59 Town Hall Square
Falmouth, MA 02540
(508) 495-7321
(508) 457-2573 FAX

================ end email ================


Anonymous said...

Another reason to leave or not bother to volunteer valuable personal time to the Town. A written report, rather than a presentation on TV before the board sends a message that we don't care enough to set aside agenda time to interact with dedicated and caring volunteers. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

If it was an old-fashioned letter or memo, it would have be signed by the author. I suggest a strict policy whereby emails must be sent from the computer(s) of the person issuing them. No confusion that way.