The following also appeared in the Thursday, January 21, 2010 edition of the Falmouth Bulletin.
The January 14, 2010 edition of the Falmouth Bulletin incorrectly states that I do not support the merger of the collector's and treasurer's postitions. I support any and all efforts to reduce the cost of local government, as long as they do not adversely affect the services provided to our residents.
This plan is apparently being put forth based on the coming retirement of our current treasurer. As far as I know, there has been no study to determine if consolidation will be cost effective. The treasurer's and collector's roles were once one position, separated many years ago. Why do we believe that they can be recombined? What has changed?
Moreover, we do not know if the current collector is qualified to be the treasurer. If not, additional training will probably be required. What will that cost? How long will it take?
These are the kinds of details that should have been discussed before we developed a budget that leans heavily on the anticipated savings. Unfortunately, this plan was presented as part of the budget, without any forewarning, or opportunity to deliberate the pros and cons.
A supermajority - 4 out of 5 - of selectmen must approve any appointments made by the town manager. This would include the new combined treasurer/collector. If the town manager can show that this consolidation has merit, I will support it. However, as presented, it appears to be one of convenience and opportunity, rather than a well thought-out plan to reduce overhead.
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