"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Upcoming precinct meetings

In preparation for the upcoming fall town meeting on Monday, November 9, the various precincts will be holding informational meetings as follows:

Precinct 7: Tuesday, November 3 at the Waquoit Congregational Meeting Hall

Precinct 4: Wednesday, November 4 at the East Falmouth Elementary School

Precinct 5 & 6: Thursday, November 5 at the North Falmouth School Library

Precinct 8 & 9: Thursday, November 5 at the Barnstable County Fair Grounds Administration Building

All meetings begin at 7pm.

Precincts 1, 2 and 3 have already held their meetings. If you missed them, you can attend any of these.

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