I got the following email not long ago. It was accompanied by the picture to the right. I've confirmed that it's authentic, and radio talk show host Howie Carr discussed it earlier today with the folks from Citizens for Limited Taxation.
"As my family and I were driving back from York Beach my wife asked me to pull off at the NH liquor store on 95 south at the Mass border. When I pulled around to get a parking space you can imagine my surprise to see what I could only assume to be a Mass state rep’s car. He also had a Deval Patrick/Tim Murray sticker on his back window-so I assume he’s a democrat who voted in favor of the recent sales tax hike.
"So the guy comes out with a couple of cases of booze in his carriage and loads them into his car. I asked him if this was "official" business or personal. He was surprised by my questioning and asked what business is it of mine as to what he’s doing. I told him I was a Mass citizen. He said it was personal-I pointed out the state car with official plates and he said it was "his".
"I didn’t ask him WHY he was in NH purchasing alcohol instead of supporting Mass businesses and the 6.25% tax they just levied on us common folk…
"He had his wife with him. I left ahead of him and as I was driving down 95 into Mass doing the speed limit, he blew by me doing about 75 in the left lane.
"I guess those who pass the laws need not abide by them. You would think that after hours of testimony from Mass businesses saying how the increased tax and the alcohol tax would hurt them by causing people go to NH would have had an effect on these weasels. But, alas, it’s proof again that they have no conscience and only serve their own interests and themselves.
"So, who was this guy? I didn’t even want to make him feel good or important by asking. He asked where I was from and I didn’t answer him. I got into my car and drove away."
I know what you're thinking, "Why put this on the blog? It has nothing to do with town politics."
Ahhh, but it does. On one of the Cape Cod Times' Reader Forums someone calling themselves 'OPENHAND' asked, "And that boy scout Putnam, what is his real agenda?"
The picture and email confirm what we already know - that too many politicians are the 'Do as I say, not as I do' types, i.e., hypocrites. Even if there is only one, it is one too many, as it creates the impression that every elected official has some nefarious agenda, hidden secret or hypocritical attitude.
Sorry to disappoint you OPENHAND, but with me, what you see is what you get. If you want to know something, just ask. I've nothing to hide.
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