"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Nothing rankles me more than misinformation. Criticism doesn't bother me; everyone has a right to their opinion. However, when someone takes liberty with the facts, it gets under my skin. An editorial in the Friday, September 18, 2009, Falmouth Enterprise, was one such occasion. The paper was good enough to publish my rebuttal in the Tuesday, September 22, 2009 edition. I've posted it here...

The Enterprise's latest editorial, "No Value To Childish Behavior", was so riddled with inaccuracies that it demands a correction.

The paper begins by stating, "We don’t know how Mr. Whritenour’s contract is worded..." For the record, Section VIII of Mr. Whritenour's contract with the town states, "The Town agrees to pay for...the ICMA Annual Conference...subject to the prior approval of the Board."

The Enterprise continues, "...the provision that requires the selectmen to vote on an acting manager in the town manager’s absence surely refers to an incident in which the town manager is incapacitated..." In fact, there is no such provision in Mr. Whritenour's contract.

However, Article V, Section C5-13.B. of the town charter states, "In the event of a...temporary absence of both the Town Manager and the Assistant Town Manager, the Board of Selectmen shall designate...a town employee or other person to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Town Manager...at a duly noticed open meeting..." Mr. Whritenour's failure to notify the Board of his absence in a timely fashion put the Board in conflict with - if not in violation of - the charter because we were unable to appoint an acting town manager before Mr. Whritenour's departure.

As for the suggestion that, "Mr. Whritenour could easily have hopped in his car and driven home," remember that Montreal is an eight-hour drive away and any disaster requiring leadership would probably damage our infrastructure. The likelihood of getting back to Falmouth when roads are closed, or contributing anything meaningful via cell phone when phone lines are down and power is out, would be next to zero.

That said; we don't need a disaster to require the services of our town manager. The town meeting warrant needed to be signed this week - a responsibility of the town manager which had to be delegated to the acting town manager.

There is no "sniping and political maneuvering" here, simply a request that we enforce the rules. After all, if we can so callously ignore a legally binding contract and the town's charter, what is next?


Anonymous said...

What a great response to the article in the Falmouth Enterprise!
You really set the record straight! Something that the other Selectmen might want to take note of!!!
I have to say that if they, the other Selectmen, don't wake up and smell the roses, this town will be in a bigger mess than it is.
this blog is so informative, hopefully more and more people will start reading.
The fact is, that the "everyday Joe", is simply not aware of what is going on.
They read the Falmouth Enterprise and believe everything they read. I think Mr. Whritenour's contract should be published in that News Rag, with a title "COME ON EVERYBODY WAKE UP"!

It is time to educate the people !

Anonymous said...


Help me/us connect the dots....is the fact that Mr. W did not inform the BOS of his absence an indication that he did not receive the "prior approval of the Board" to attend the conference? In which case the Town doesn't have to "agree(s) to pay for the ....ICMA Annual Conference"?

Or did he leave to attend a conference that the BOS knew of, approved of, and agreed to pay for.....just that he didn't say an official good-bye and didn't appoint an interim manager?

I do not minimize any breach of contract, however, we all may be better served by the BOS appointing a temporary replacement than having Mr. W appoint his own.

Perhaps the language of the next Town Manager's next contract should reflect a change in who is responsible for naming temp. replacements.

Brent Putnam said...

Anonymous, Mr. Whritenour informed the Board of his absence, but only at the last minute. He did not request permission as is required in his contract. Mr. Whritenour was asked to recommend an acting town manager, but the Board must - and did - make the appointment as per the town charter.

Whether the town or Mr. Whritenour pays for the ICMA conference would be up to the Board, but so far, I'm the only one who seems to be concerned about contract violations.

Unknown said...

"Perhaps the language of the next Town Manager's next contract should reflect a change"


When is this Yo-Yo's time up 1 year 2?