As our town struggles with a budget shortfall, it is worth recognizing those folks who have made an effort to close that gap...
Every department head was asked to make cuts, and they did. Unless you're at the top of the food chain mandating across the board cuts, slashing millions from the budget is not something that any one person can do. Everyone cut what they could, where they could, and in the end $2.2 million was saved. Most impressive.
Selectman Melissa Freitag gets two budget-related kudos:
1) Her insistence on a more thorough and transparent budget process is a breath of fresh air. Having already tried to add some fresh air to the budget process earlier this year, it is nice to know that someone else is willing to put this process under a microscope.
2) Ms. Freitag has also been a champion of basic common sense ways to save money, such as mandating double-sided copies. As she noted in a recent email to the Board, "When CCCC had its budget reduced 5% (instantly last fall), we put a freeze on single sides, and dramatically increased IT traffic. At a point soon thereafter, all were advised that in that short time (a month? two?) we had conserved one million sheets of paper."
Selectman Ahmed Mustafa upped Ms. Freitag's ante by suggesting that we dispense with copies altogether. Because our email is part of the record, and I'm not likely to do Mr. Mustafa's suggestion any justice by paraphrasing, I'll just share his recent email to our chair:
"It has come to my attention that we are 'bleeding' by making so many copies throughout the building and the budget is being put in jeopardy to about $800 a month, just at town hall. In the past I brought up using 'Kindles' as a way to save the paper flow, however we cannot afford to buy them now. We all have computers (notebooks or home units) therefore I would suggest that all the paperwork that we get be sent via email to us and we can read and print out what we need to take to the meetings, or do like I have done and buy a netbook for under $200 that you can use at meetings. I can also suggest that we also could supply 4g thumb drives to Carole and Diane that they could copy all this info to and put the finished product in our boxes. It can be accessed as you all know at your respective leisure via the USP ports. If we lead the way on this the other departments and committees will, I hope, follow suit. I only, once again, offer this suggestion as a way to help the town in our sudden fiscal downturn with more problems to come.
You and you alone are in control of our ship and we are about to scuttle the ship we are on, or we can salvage 'her' and set sail for the future in a renewed progressive step. This is just my opinion and I would suggest that an agenda item for the board be setup to discuss the merits or reasons why we should or should not stay this downward course.
Respectfully submitted; and there is no need for comment at this time, however if you should decide to make it an item we can discuss everything at a scheduled meeting on the pros and cons. Just my opinion to save some money and keep our employee(s) from losing their jobs."
To put Mr. Mustafa's suggestion into context, the IT department noted that the copier outside the selectmen's office printed 13,259 copies during one month. If we use that as a monthly average and estimate a cost of $0.05 each, we are spending nearly $8,000 a year in copies.
[Just my opinion to save some money and keep our employee(s) from losing their jobs."] Yes it's great Melisa found these savings, unfortunately the people who's jobs your saving don't see the waste that goes on in there own dept and workplaces. 4-5 1 ton dump trucks to pick up 8-10 bags of trash. crew cabs 3 in one truck ?
team work save a 100 gallons of diesel a week, seeing other people busy will step up moral.
Don't you think that "saving money" should start from the top? Why is it that all of the Town of Falmouth Dept. heads had their budgets cut, especially on instate travel, etc., and then you have Bob Whritenour and Heather Harper BOTH going on the Town's money traveling off to Canada. What is going on?
If the guy at the top does not "practice what he preaches" then what have we?.Where are the Selectmen in this scene and where is the finance committee?
Is it that "what is good for one, is not necessarily good for the other'?
What kind of an example is being set? We go from one scandelous thing to the next!
"...Bob Whritenour and Heather Harper BOTH going on the Town's money traveling off to Canada...What kind of an example is being set?"
Anonymous, I raised this issue during the selectmen's budget discussion in the spring and at the April town meeting, but was shot down for "micromanaging". I agree wholeheartedly about setting an example...remember, I'm the guy who wears a suit every Monday night.
Yes, and I was watching and thought you were the only responsible Selectman questioning Bob's travel plans;ie, meaning he not telling the finance committee or the Selectmen that he had trip plans.
Please check into what would happen if an emergeny were to arise in his absnece.
If he had not appointed anyone to cover for him, Lives could be lost because the Town would have been at a "stand-still". If you do not believe me..check with David Viera in regard to emergency protocal.
He will inform you.
If in fact Heather Harper received some kind of recogniciation in traveling to Canada, why did it not happen in our community so that the Town could appreciate it, and why on earth did Bob find it so necessary to go?
Beleive me when I state that alot of Falmouth people are asking this question and if they are not, they should be!
So you give kuddos to Melisa for suggesting a new copying policy. I'm sure that she spent hours on in brainstorming that one!!! Maybe she should be checking the line item in the budget labeled "Selectmen" Out of State Travel. Read the warrant book, it does say Selectmen. Just in case she doesn't know the figure, it is $8100. Mr. Whritenour and Ms. Harper seemed to have changed the definition of the explanation from "out of state travel" to out of the COUNTRY travel. So what paid vacation can we send them on next year? Europe sounds good! As a town meeting member, I can not recall ever having to ask Mr. Boyer why he was going to California, Texas or Canada. He was quite capable of managing the Town without the paid taxpayers vacations. Maybe we should take the $8100 line item and transfer it to the "legal" line item because it looks like we are going to need it. Any CEO of a company who would run the company into the ground with a 3.2 million debt would certainly not be in Canada learning how to bail out of it. The only Kuddos to give out here are to you for standing up for what you feel is right and for that, I would vote for you again because you are in the best interest of the taxpayer.
I totally agree with your last anonymous reply in regard to the budget and the lack of respect that have for it. I think you should check those expenditure line items out. It might be a huge surprise. I guess that is how they "get around" conforming to budget reductions. they can spend Selectmen's money!!
Another subject to touch base on..Why do we need a Town manager and an Ass't Town Manager. Between the two of them, they consistantly make travel plans every year traveling together. making huge dollars to "travel together"- You would think that they might be bright enough to figure out that one of them should stay behind and "man the fort"!!!
If this leadershhip gets anymore embarassing, we will have to request a cartoon page in the newspapers!
Keep the faith are going to need it!
Anonymous (the last one), My only rules about posting are that you stay on topic and keep it clean. Therefore, I've reposted your comment...
"Hi Brent,
I have been following all of the comments made by "anonymous" about the budgets and so forth. I think the best one of all was last year when Bob Whritenour sent his girl friend Jessica (works for him also),and another town employee to Las Vegas on town money in the tune of $2,000.00..for a convention..boy, I bet they learned alot!!
why is this #### still around?"
"...unfortunately the people who's jobs your saving don't see the waste that goes on in there own dept and workplaces..."
Sean, I'm not so sure about that. I heard enough rumors and innuendo to suggest an updated whistleblower policy. If we can get the new policy in place and there is waste, we will hear about it.
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