"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Friday, September 25, 2009

BREAKING NEWS - Falmouth loses ARCADD suit

Earlier today, the jury in the ARCADD v. Falmouth case ruled in favor of ARCADD, awarding the architect $1,530,000. Falmouth was awarded nothing on its $5 million counter claim for negligence in project administration and design.


Anonymous said...

With interest - 2 million. Brent -is the Town covered by some insurance policy or do we all get to contribute based upon our properties values?

This underscores your position on the proper vetting of committee volunteers. While well meaning people should always be considered - well meaning people with direct and valuable experience would be better to have serve. It is hardly "Monday morning quarterbacking" to point out that, had Mr. Scanlon, or several people with similar backgrounds been involved in the High School project from the start (as opposed the attempted mop-up operation) this would have been avoided.

Anonymous said...


What are your thoughts on this? My family always value your hard work in getting to bottom of this mismanaged project from top to bottom. Do you thinkthis will comrpomise the town meeting next week???!?