"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What happened last night?

Let's forget George Morse for a moment.

Last night, Chairman Flynn stopped a presentation by Mr. Morse's lawyer, Augustus Wagner, stating "...we're not here to characterize the info or to deliberate on it or to actually defend it if you will."

In retrospect, it was probably the only thing that could have been done.

The selectmen were informed that we had - apparently more than once - seen information which is protected by law. This coming from a retired judge who played a role in developing the state's CORI laws. Moreover, Mr. Wagner apparently subpoenaed someone from the police department who was to testify that the information we saw was protected.

There's a legal adage that goes, "If you don't know the answer, don't ask the question." We didn't get to hear the answers, but I suspect Mr. Wagner knew what they would be, or he wouldn't have subpoenaed someone from the police department.

It was embarrassing and upsetting to be told that someone - to put it politely - goofed. At that point, that landscape changed. What had been an interview of George Morse became a series of personnel and legal questions:

Were any laws broken?
Who is responsible?
Did someone fail to do their job?

The ramifications of these questions go far beyond Mr. Morse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there were laws broken in this instance, then by all means the District Attorney or the Attorney General's Offices should investigate. Anyone who knows that a law was broken and does nothing about it should be investigated also.

When re-election time comes around and the alleged law-breaker(s) are not in jail, then they should be kicked to the curb and voted out of office. There are many in this town watching this issue and will respond appropriately.