Today's (Tuesday, May 19, 2009) edition of the Falmouth Enterprise includes a correction.
A letter originally attributed to Nancy Hayward (published in the Friday, May 15 edition) was apparently submitted by an unnamed third party. That letter was not written by Ms. Hayward, but has been attributed to candidate for selectman Melissa Freitag.
Wow. This is a giant misstep for a candidate that campaigned on transparency.
This stunt has the 'usual suspects' written all over it. Surprise! Surprise! The Enterprise is shielding the third party's identity. Frietag's head is wedged firmly up one big, collective...fundament.
...Frietag allegedly told a reporter from the CC Times that it was time to just drop this whole forgery nuttiness, and move on. Once again those denizens of the moral high ground have steamrolled the lowly hordes, entitled as they are to hold the leash on that nasty little hobgoblin of behavior called ETHICS. Sorry that I'm persisting with this...I'm still livid.
Suggestion for Selectmens' New Business agenda item: Censure or reprimand for Ms. Frietag ....assuming that is her real name.......
I will not let it go. I am waiting for my parakeets Friday paper to see what Hough has to say next.
I have some scathing comments about this nonsense.
His book of right and wrong rules really pisses me off.
The other comment is that the letter was poorly written. The Gadfly and his editor would never have submitted that piece of crap. Three years of the Forger. I have to get a prison calendar to cross off the days.
The Galloping Gadfly
Dear Editor,
You published a forged letter from a candidate who campaigned for open and transparent government.
Published by you, the so-called keeper of the right and wrong rules.
Your use of the unidentified third party who delivered the letter was chicken fertilizer. You have no balls at all.
Looks like Chicago politics in Falmouth.
Time to start a recall of Melissa Freitag!
I would also like to recall the Falmouth Enterprise, but my parakeet likes getting his paper.
The last point I would like to make is how poorly the so-called letter from Nancy Hayward was written. Made my eyes cross as I tried to read it. Please Nancy, don't use Melissa's examples for your letters to the editor.
Sincerely yours,
Nick Witzell
Evangeline Rd.
Falmouth, MA 02540
The phone conversation I had with Ms. Freitag…
I returned a phone call from Ms. Freitag Wednesday afternoon regarding the
Meeting of the FHC for that evening. I was concerned about the integrity and
Decorum of the meeting as I knew there were uncomfortable feelings between
committee members regarding the fraudulent letter printed and that the press was to attend. I did in fact tell her I felt it would be better if she didn’t attend and quorum was not a problem.
Ms. Freitag asked me if I wanted an explanation of what happened with the letter. I said it would be nice. She said “at a campaign meeting” that her people were Upset about Brent’s letter so they decided to respond.” She said she did “push the keys for the letter” with the help of her committee members. “It was a
Draft”, the intent was to contact Nancy and have her finalize it, to have her
sign it and submit it, but she refused.” She then explained that a male member
Of her committee, was frustrated because it hadn’t got out, who was apart of
“Bills” inner circle, delivered it to Bill Hough, unsigned and unauthorized. She
chuckled and further commented, “ He shouldn’t have printed it, he knew it
didn’t come from Nancy, it wasn’t signed and it was delivered by a man.”
“He printed it knowingly and willingly and then printed the correction as a
There was no apology, no sense of remorse and surprisingly no hint of
culpability. She also stated that she thought “the issue would have been
dropped by now.” This was merely 24 hours after the correction was
discretely printed in the Falmouth Enterprise. She also stated earlier in
The conversation that she had expressed to the Times that “she just wanted
The issue to be dropped.”
Because Melissa was not the one who walked into Bill Hough’s office to
deliver the forgery, it seems committing the fraud and the malicious
Intentions of slander are just not on her head.
So now you all know why I threw my hat in the ring this election when she
was running unopposed!
Sheryl Kozens-Long
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