This post also appeared as a letter in the Tuesday, April 21, 2009 edition of the Falmouth Enterprise entitled "Editorial Raises Questions".
I welcome criticism, but I think we can all agree that criticism should be constructive, offering suggestions and ideas for improvement. However, in its editorial last Friday the Enterprise simply found fault, implying that I am a rogue with some sort of hidden agenda, and suggesting only that I should tow the party line.
Indeed, after reading the editorial, I had more questions than answers:
What does the Enterprise think my interests are? What does it think the interests of Falmouth's citizens are? Does the paper think that I am not putting the interests of the people first?
What are the interests of the Board of Selectmen? Do the interests of the board match the interests of the people?
If leadership requires teamwork, is that the most important quality of a leader? Is being a team player really leadership, or is it just following the pack? What qualities should our leaders have?
Does the Enterprise believe that our leaders should always present a united front? Is the majority always right just because they are the majority? Would the Enterprise have written the same editorial if it had disagreed with the majority?
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