"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sidewalk Astronomy



(Falmouth, MA, October 27, 2008) – Weather permitting, the Falmouth Sidewalk Astronomers will hold their first outing this Saturday, November 1, from 6pm to 9pm near the Katherine Lee Bates statue on the Falmouth Public Library lawn. The public is welcome to come and get free views of the moon, planets and stars through telescopes.

The Falmouth Sidewalk Astronomers are an informal group of amateur astronomers dedicated to sharing the night sky with the public. Instead of seeking out dark sky locations to practice the hobby, sidewalk astronomers bring their telescopes and knowledge to where the people are.

“This is something I've been wanting to do for many years,” stated one organizer, Falmouth Selectman Brent Putnam, “and things were finally set in motion by a series of recent events.”

Those events included an inquiry by fellow organizer Peter Cook, Chief Creative Officer & Videographer of Explorations Unlimited and a veteran of many star parties when he lived in the Philadelphia suburbs. After learning that Mr. Putnam was also an amateur astronomer, Mr. Cook asked about good dark sky locations in Falmouth, which led to a discussion about sidewalk astronomy.

The other catalyst was concern about local light pollution. Putnam noted that during his campaigns for selectman, “several individuals expressed concerns about light pollution and light trespass.” By going where the people are, sidewalk astronomers draw attention to poorly designed lighting and light fixtures which can interfere with our ability to see the night sky.

Mr. Putnam approached the Trustees of the Falmouth Public Library and they gave permission to use the library lawn for the event. He hopes other amateur astronomers will bring their telescopes and binoculars and come and share the sky.

Brent Putnam


Anonymous said...


Double Taxation? We pay federal income taxes on money we earn. We also pay state income tax on the same earnings. Double taxation? Does this mean you support proposition #1 on Tuesday's ballot to repeal the state income tax?

We also pay sales tax when we spend what earnings are left after income taxes. Is this triple taxation?

If you don't support Town user fees (for concom and building department permits) how do you propose to fund the work these departments perform? Or are you proposing the departments be eliminated?

The two departments generated close to $900,000 in revenue to the Town in fiscal '08. Propositon 2 and 1/2 limits the Town's ability to raise property taxes to compensate. If you want to eliminate the user fees you have no choice but to eliminate the departments.

Is that what you really want? Think it through! It defies reason!

Perplexed Constituent

Brent Putnam said...

Perplexed, Please stick to the subject of the post when leaving comments. I'll answer your inquiry under Fees and double taxation