What about the quorum of former selectmen?
Someone noted that we had a full quorum of former selectmen in the audience. The list included Andy Dufresne, Eddie Marks, Troy Clarkson, Virginia Valiela and Catherine Bumpus. Each seemed to have their own reasons for showing - Andy and Eddie were there for the Casino hearing; Catherine for the Luke Vose concert, etc.
What's with the suit?
I said during my campaign that we should be raising the bar. I learned long ago that you lead by example, so you'll always see me wearing a suit at selectmen's meetings. The office demands the professionalism.

What was the pin you were wearing?
It's the Gadsden Navy Jack. You can read about the history of it here, and if you want one, the Gadsden and Culpeper American Heritage Shoppe sells them.
Why did you support Selectman Carey Murphy as vice chairman?
As is - apparently - tradition, both Carey Murphy and Mary Pat Flynn had previously expressed to me their interest in being vice chair. When the time came on Monday to chose a vice chair, Chairman Mustafa asked if anyone was interested. Carey was nominated, and then there was silence. This was my first time in this situation, no one had asked me to nominate them, and no one else had responded to Chairman Mustafa's question. I wasn't sure what was supposed to happen next, so I seconded Carey's nomination to move things along.
Some folks have expressed concern about who is or isn't chair, but it needs to be remembered that the person with the gavel doesn't control the meeting, they simply make sure the meeting is under control. No member of the Board of Selectmen has any more authority than any other member.
What's the story behind Selectman Carey Murphy's glaring at Selectman Pat Flynn?
A few folks have mentioned this, but I couldn't see it from where I was sitting and didn't know about it until afterwards. I can't read minds and I won't speak for anyone else, so you'll have to ask Selectman Murphy.
What's your opinion of Mr. Ross and his attire (shorts and a rugby shirt)?
I don't yet know enough about Mr. Ross to venture an opinion, however do I agree that he should have been dressed professionally given his role and the occasion.
Why did you vote against extending the Casino's license to 1am?
Public trust. The permit was granted to the Casino based upon an agreement with the neighborhood (Falmouth Heights) that they would close at 12:30am so as to help stagger traffic with the British Beer Company. In my opinion, the request to change this violates the trust established between the Casino and the neighborhood, and there was ample evidence of that Monday night. The Casino claims that closing at 1am won't adversely effect the neighbors. If so, the Casino should have asked for - and received - support from the neighborhood before coming to the selectmen.
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