In yesterday's post about Monday's Cape Cod Times article, I mentioned the Reader Reaction bulletin board and some of the responses to that article.
One poster, identified only as "falparent," took me to task for "criticizing the way someone is dressed," and not replying to a question from a friend. I've already commented about the dress issue, and my friend never asked a question; he simply made a statement.
However, it was falparent's question...
"While you're at it, could you please explain to us why your two high school aged children DO NOT attend Falmouth High School? Too much construction, education not good enough? I'll watch your blog for an answer."
...that left me scratching my head, and I've given much thought over several days as to how I should answer this. Here goes...
To be a public official in the Age of the Internet makes it difficult to keep a private life private; I understand and accept that as a selectman, what I do is under a microscope.
That said; some things should be held sacred no matter what. How my wife and I raise our children - including decisions about which schools they attend - is personal. It's our prerogative and, quite frankly, we need not justify anything to anyone.
But I will explain it to you on one condition - that you meet with me. Yours is a reasonable question, but it's a personal one. Anonymous identities are fine if you're leaving a comment or asking questions about town government. However, if I am going to discuss my children, I want to know with whom I'm sharing this information, and I won't post personal information on this very public blog.
Feel free to call (508-444-0222) or email (brent at falmouthlocal dot com) me and we can talk over a coffee or a beer. You choose the location.
Brent's Prophecy lives...
I met you on election day and I knew that you were going to make it.
I have been wanting to get in touch with you since your victory. I did not see you on election night at Town Hall. I was there for over an hour while they were counting the votes.
I like the blog concept to keep your constituents updated as the town moves forward. It is a great tool for public comment, ideas, key issues and adds a lighter side to serving the public. The site helps you to do the best job you can.
Always remember how you started. Keep your beliefs in check and help make Falmouth the best it can be!
Best wishes and keep in touch!
Oliver Cipollini
Candidate for Governor's Council ~ First District
"Always remember how you started." Oliver, that has to be the hardest - and most important - part about public service.
people are ridiculous. i'll anwswer the question for you.
because private schools provide a better eduction than public schools.
"because private schools provide a better eduction than public schools." sam, All of my children attend public schools, so that really doesn't answer the question.
I have been following your watchful eye on the high spending and your profesional attire and want to add kudos!
Keep it up! Earn your keep!
Oliver Cipollini
Candidate for Governor's Council ~ First District
Keep scrutinizing the high school. Every community needs a set watchful eyes.
Selectmen votes count!
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