"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Friday, October 26, 2007

Precinct Meetings

Even if you're not a town meeting member, you should take some time to attend your precinct meeting. Not only do you have the opportunity to meet and influence those people who represent you in town government, but you may even get some free food.

Precincts 1 & 2: Wednesday, November 7th 7:00pm at the Morse Pond School Library

Precinct 3: Wednesday, November 7th 7:00pm at the Great Harbors Association's Club House

Precinct 4: Wednesday, November 7th 7:00pm at the East Falmouth Elementary School. Organizational meeting at 6:30

Precincts 5 & 6: Thursday, November 8th 7:00pm at the West Falmouth Library

Precinct 7: Thursday, November 8th 7:00pm at the Waquoit Congregational Church Meeting Hall

Precincts 8 & 9: Tuesday, November 6th 7:00pm at the New Alchemy Common House

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for listing the precinct meetings. The town website does not list meetings for precinct 8. Nor have any precinct 8 members informed me of an upcoming meeting (even tho I have asked).