"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Things that make you go "Hmmm..."

It's ironic that our Quote of the Day today is by General Douglas MacArthur, "You are remembered for the rules you break."

At the June 4 Board of Selectmen's meeting, the selectmen rather quickly approved a liquor license for the Golf Club of Cape Cod.

The swift approval brought some criticism, since the public didn't have a chance to comment before the vote. More importantly, Chairman Kevin Murphy, the holder of a liquor license, apparently failed to disclose that fact. In the June 8 issue of the Falmouth Enterprise (page 11), it states, "Ms. Bellmore also pointed out that Mr. Murphy forgot to give his usual disclosure about being the holder of an all-alcoholic seasonal liquor license...Mr. Murphy...said not giving his usual disclosure was also an oversight."

However, according to the minutes of the meeting, "Kevin Murphy disclosed he is the holder of an all alcoholic seasonal liquor license."

So which is it?

The Enterprise article suggested that the license was approved quickly - and the public input and disclosures skipped - because of the Teaticket rottweiler hearing. I've previously noted that placating the mob is a dangerous thing to do; this is yet another example why the selectmen shouldn't.

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