"Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they'll come home at night to take it off."
~Tom Cotton

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Hot issues, politics and controversy

I had a nice conversation with a voter yesterday as I was going door-to-door. We touched on various issues, but at one point she asked "What's your signature issue - what is it that you are campaigning on?"

My answer?

I've no single "hot" issue, and as I told a supporter yesterday, I've no strong opinions about any issue. My concern is what's best for Falmouth.


All too often, we have elected officials who carry a torch for some issue or another. Pick a career politician (I define a "career politician" by the George Washington test...someone who has held, or intends to hold, one office for more than two terms) and chances are they have some hot button issue that they think will get them votes. They are pandering to a certain constituency instead of working for the greater good.

Frankly, I don't care how an issue is resolved, as long as the final solution is based on the facts, achieved after a fair process, with input from all parts of the community, and will benefit everyone in Falmouth. Anything less is just politics.

Pick a controversial issue, and I'll show you an issue where politics has taken control of the public process. It is politics that creates controversy.

Politics is defined as "use of intrigue or strategy in obtaining any position of power or control, as in business, university, etc."

To play politics is defined as "to deal with people in an opportunistic, manipulative, or devious way, as for job advancement."

Is this any way to run a town?

I don't think so.

We CAN do better.


Anonymous said...

Town meeting is going to the Dogs tonight. Dog articles... no not a euphemism for dog logs.

The town has no business defining adequate pet care. If the issue is in doubt call the MSPCA.

I have. My next door neighbor was shooing at the wild peacock that took up residence in my back yard. He was and I is a cruel jerk. I will never speak to him again. I tried the Falmouth police first, but they were bullied by him, he has a 5 million dollar house. And they say money doesn't always talk. The MSPCA were responsive and showed up in a State Police cruiser, blue lights flashing.



You may see more of my thoughts on my yahoo group, Nick_Witzell@yahoogroups.com

Brent Putnam said...

Nick, That's why I spoke against these articles. Once again, the town is treading into territory where it doesn't belong. More on this later...I'll be posting my votes on the various articles and the reasons why.